SM-DOS 1.5 --- File Type --- $NAME Basic #NAME Variables NAME Code (Screen) --- Command on rom --- SAVE $NAME Save basic (SAVE A:$NAME Save basic) SAVE #NAME Save all variables SAVE NAME X,Y,Z Save code starting from X to Y with autostart at Z LOAD $NAME Load basic program without start LOAD #NAME Load variables LOAD NAME Load code without start $NAME Load basic with start with GO TO 1 NAME Load code and autostart MERG $NAME Merge Basic MERG NAME Merge Code PUT NAME X Y Write on disk a file 256byte(?) located on X memory on sector Y values in Hex Example PUT NAME C000 10 HEX C000 = 49152 mempry address HEX 10 = 16 sector GET NAME X Y Read from disk on the file the sector Y and save on X memory in Hex Example GET NAME C000 10 HEX C000 = 49152 mempry address HEX 10 = 16 sector RANDOMIZE USR 64512 Cold start to DOS RANDOMIZE USR 64521 From Basic Warm start don't enter to DOS, no error message BAS Return to Basic PASS Change Password on disk INIT Disk Initialize (to do after format) disk name? LOCK Protect disk readable only with same disk controller REN OLDNAME NEWNAME Change file name DIR Current Disk directory DIR A: A: Disk directory ERA NAME Erase file, and resort disk A: Select drive A: B: Select drive B: --- Command On Disk --- SCOPY Disk Backup FORMAT Format disk $SUB call DOS routines from Basic