BSDOS308a - LMN 20151021 - BSrom140 - The ability to use range -255 .. + 255 anywhere where one can only 0..255 - Fixed subtraction with the result -65,536 - Fixed INT -65536.5 - Fixed double chars - Tape command without a mandatory name (taken from BSDOS) - Fixes ports in NMI menu - Autolist , instead of codes - Improvement of "Scroll ?" within tape header list - Advanced POKE - can stores more items at once - Advanced POKE - can set bit 7 last character of chars - Advanced CHR$ - returns all memory with parameter -1 (string 65535 characters) - Hex number only with % prefix - changed COPY to DIR (address: 513-516) - changed defaul colors to BORDER0,PAPER0,INT7 (address: #128E(4750),7) - changed version and date in heading (address: 19905-19936)