The Looking Glass ROM - LG18v07.rom Welcome to the Looking Glass ROM for the 16K and 48K ZX Spectrum. This ROM is a development of the Gosh Wonderful ROM GW03. The reason for the name change is that the GW03 ROM is still viable and supported. The new ROM no longer has Renumber and Block Delete. While GW03 ROM had a mode that used single letter entry of keywords, Extended Mode was necessary when using keywords in response to the INPUT prompt. In this respect it was no different to the 128K editor and other systems. The LG ROM presents two enchanting and contrasting environments in which to edit and run Sinclair ZX Spectrum BASIC. To switch between the two worlds enter 'stop' (4 letter word) or 'STOP' (Symbol Shift A) at the command line. Which one to use depends on the mode you are in. Both modes are completely compatible with the original ZX Spectrum and in keyword mode you will be hard pressed to tell the difference. One clue is that if you enter 'REM s' or 'rem s' as a direct command you will see a banner showing LG and the version alongside an estimate of free memory. Below this is a listing of the streams area, for both system and user, indicating by letter any channel attached to the stream. The only other clue is that all of the imperfections have been corrected. There weren't many but try PRINT INT -65536 or PRINT INT -65535.5 Also, if you hold down the 'T' key then the screen will quickly fill with repetitions of the command RANDOMIZE. I wasn't going to take all the fun away. If in keyword mode, you enter 'STOP' then you enter single Letter mode. Now you enter ALL BASIC words and symbols as single letters, numbers, graphics or symbols. In this mode SYMBOL-SHIFT is much simpler and produces the red symbol associated with the key, either on the key or below it. The exception is the copyright symbol which is moved to the 'I' key which was the only key without one of the symbols. The three compound symbols - '<>', '>=' and '<=' are not present so 'Q' also has the copyright symbol. Extended Mode is available only for embedded colour control codes The only way to enter keywords is one character at a time. From the Vickers manual try the expression 10 print val"val""val""""2""""""" which is tokenized correctly. The same expression can also be used as numeric input. Try 10 if val"val""2+1"""=val"val""3"""then print"Val Kilmer" Have fun, Geoff Wearmouth, AUG-2018