---------------------------------------------------------------- TR DOS 5.05 CZ ---------------------------------------------------------------- The fastest one... New features: CAT - better list, on printer (if no. of chars per line can be divided by 16) looks very good! *A - switches to drive A, *B switches to drive B, ... FORMAT - faster, diskname can be 10 chars, in case of bad sector number of sectors is inverted. NEW "name" - disk rename (10 chars). ERASE "*" - clears all disk. SAVE, COPY - if file with this name exists, you can press Y to overwrite it. RETURN - can be typed as letters, not only token (good for special ROMs). PEEK, POKE - now without bugs! RUN - if "boot" absents, the command lists catalogue of disk; bug fixed in RUN file. GOTO - bug fixed in GOTO file with 8chars long name. LIST - to printer sends head only once; bug fixed in autostart of file; bug "Out of RAM" fixed; improoved for use with printer. VERIFY - really verifies file; Verify error lists xxxxx/yyy/zzz, where xxxxx is address in memory, yyy value in memory and zzz value on disk. Abort, Ignore - I continues to search next unequal byte. !! - new command, runs monitor (bugfixed DevastAce); if used before init of TR-DOS, no Basic is moved. 40 - sets routines to use 40 tracks drive. 80 - sets routines to use 80 tracks drive. Drives aren't tested - default is 80 tracks; if you have 40 track drive, you can use commands 80 and 40. OPEN#, CLOSE# - bugs fixed, but I don't know exactly, how to use stream access to files... Better cooperation with Spectrum 128. Reset is a bit better, without change of important values, e.g. system variables of 128 Spectrum, and without noisy seeking. Bug fixed in reading last sector of file. In 80 tracks drive can be used 40 tracks disk. Seek speed is higher. Sound after key is improoved. All commands are much faster. Sector not found - seek to track 0 only once, then only one step back. No disk, Loading error - drive change is cancelled. Disk error - number of really corrupted sector is printed; old channel os opened if CAT or LIST are in use. Service 7 (catalogue) runs with any drive. 15607 - in a,(c):ret for easy reading of driver registers. Magic button routines were changed: some RAM addresses are without change now; MAGIC+any key=save screen only (with name "#"); Disk error (disk full, no disk)=return to program. Services 5 and 6 can run with sectors 512 bytes long, you have only to set bit 3 in drive info in system variables and reset it after use (A - 23752, B - 23753 etc).